ANPS launched its CSR project in October 2017 with the association’s partnership with Yayasan Emmanuel’s Innovative Schools Programme (ISP). The ISP is a community service programme that provides professional development to SD and SMP local school teachers. The ANPS-ISP has given inspiration to local teachers to try new and better ways of teaching. What we do is offer training and workshops to local SDN teachers around instructional methodologies that make teaching and learning more interactive. We do not teach teachers what to teach as they have a national curriculum to follow but instead give them new ideas on how to teach. Expatriate and Indonesian teachers and staff from ANPS- member schools collaborate and deliver workshops over a period of one school year, 10 Saturdays in total from 8:30 am to 2:30pm. Our teachers offer their time and expertise in providing knowledge on techniques about teaching to state schools designated by DIKNAS.

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