“Get to Know the OER Project”

Get to know the OEER project before you take the plunge into the full course. Alternatively, integrate these short 4 week, skills-based courses into an existing class program. OER has two exciting online short courses to introduce you and your students to the benefits of features that have made these courses so effective.

Explore the power of data in this standalone course. Students are constantly bombarded with representations of data. These charts and maps can be confusing and misleading. As data becomes a bigger part of our lives—just one result of the Information Revolution—students need to learn to be critical consumers of information. That’s what Project X is all about. Project X culminates in a final presentation in which students use historical data to predict the future and offer solutions to some of humanity’s biggest challenges.

Project Score is a set of activities that provide specific rubric-based strategies to address particular aspects of writing. In addition to the rubric-based strategies, you and your students are given access to Score, the OER Project’s free, automated essay-scoring platform that uses the Score Writing Rubric to evaluate student work. Project Score activities have been designed to work seamlessly with the Score platform and can be easily incorporated into your classroom instruction.

 Links :

Webinar Fees:

Member: Complimentary

Non Member: IDR 50k


Hayden Brown is the former Extension program coordinator at Broome Senior High School. Hayden balanced overseeing academic extension programs in Year 7 and 8, as well as teaching Humanities, Upper School Modern History and coordinating academic opportunities for students throughout the school. Hayden was approached by Gates Ventures 2016 to become a lead teacher and design partner of The Big History Project. Over the last 6 years, Hayden has supported teachers globally to implement The Big History Project in their own schools as well as taking part in pilot programs and development projects with Gates Ventures, to improve and expand the Big History Project course.

In 2020 Hayden moved to Halls Head College in the Peel region of Western Australia, where he is working as part of the academic extension team to combine virtual reality film making, Aboriginal perspectives and Big History skills with the WA curriculum requirements of the teaching program.  Although the current global situation has forced the cancellation of many in-person Speaking engagements Hayden has virtually presented on digital platforms for teachers in Singapore, Indonesia, South Africa and the USA.

Event Details
  • Start Date
    September 20, 2021 4:00 pm
  • End Date
    September 20, 2021 5:00 pm
  • Status
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