“Leading The New Classroom:
Zoom Into Professional Growth and Possibilities in the Classroom and Beyond.”
This one day conference will provoke thinking around the future of schools, students and education. Educators have flexed their muscle to adapt to unprecedented changes and create innovative learning strategies. We have gathered together the brightest educators to share their ideas and knowledge to help teachers navigate through learning curves in the new normal. Zoom into some of the topics that will address widening gaps amongst students, social and emotional learning, digital innovation and the changing nature of teaching practice in classrooms.
Links :
- Conference Registration
please download as doc file and send to mail@anps.id in doc file/pdf file - Agenda
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Zoom Conference Fees:
Member : IDR 75.000,-
Non Member : IDR 100.000,-
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Catherine founded GlobalEDGEucation, an international education consultancy, in 2014. Her mission is to infuse global perspectives into the education of young people and their communities. It is this pursuit of global education that opens eyes and minds to the realities of the world and awakens them to bring about a world of greater justice, equity and human rights for all. Catherine’s teaching and leadership career spans three decades and several countries including Canada, France, the Netherlands, Spain and China. She is familiar with a multitude of national and international curricula, including the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) for which she authored a chapter in the formative publication Taking the IPC Forward (Hayden and Thompson, 2012).
Catherine holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies, International Education from Bath University in the UK. She studied her Master of Educational Sciences Degree from the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. She earned two undergraduate degrees in Canada, a Bachelor of Education from the University of Windsor and a Bachelor of Arts, Political Science and French from Queen’s University.
Adel and Dody are fellow University of Oulu, Finland graduate. They are working together on the field of Educational Science research as an Independent researcher, with hope to advance Indonesian education world through research.
“Experimental Sciences: Creating virtual spaces for scientific inquiry”
In this session we will explore various ways in which the course requirements of experimental science subjects can be addressed in a remote learning environment. The session will include live case-studies, discussion on data sources, innovative strategies to teach practical skills online, and examples of how to continue to develop and strengthen scientific temper among students while they work from home. Emphasis will be on the need to rethink and redesign teaching philosophy within the Sciences.
Aditya is a scientist turned educator with many years of experience in research as well as science education. He has conducted research in evolution and biochemistry. His teaching style is very hands-on and project-based as he is a proponent of the “learning by doing” school of thought. Aditya is currently the DP coordinator at Sekolah Bogor Raya where he also teaches Biology and Theory of Knowledge.
“Individual Virtual Exhibition Enhance Self Management Skills to Students”
Every year exhibition held in the school inspires students in their final year of primary education to engage in a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry process that involves them in identifying, investigating, and offering solutions to real-life issues. The exhibition has been a featured milestone of the Grade 5 and 6 curriculum for several years. This year’s virtual exhibition centralized around the idea that “People share passion through creativity to make differences in life”. Through the issue of their passion, students’ actions reflect their values and beliefs. Inspired by this, students were required to identify the benefit of their action to inspire their community. They research and prepare a piece of aesthetic evidence creatively. Due to the pandemic, this year’s exhibition becomes virtual and personal instead of a group experience. So, out of the five approaches to learning, self-management skills become dominant to achieve because they need to work individually. In a very limited time, most students can fulfill their learning journey and celebrate their creativity.
The highest place of student engagement isn’t really engagement. It’s empowerment. Adriani’s great passion is empowering students in their own learning. She helps her students in grade 6 Sekolah Bogor Raya not only to engage in their learning but also empowered. She knows that no single approach is the right one for every individual, and so she has been trained in a range of modalities including PYP workshops as part of being a PYP certified teacher. Her educational background includes MEd in Education Technology. As a teacher who already dedicated almost 17 years to this IB PYP School, she also already certified by the Indonesian Ministry of Education.
“In Preparation for School Re-opening: Enhancing Blended Learning using Flipgrid”
As the students have been being exposed to technology during the home-based learning, blended learning will become unavoidable when the pandemic is over. Teachers are to continue to incorporate technology into their classes blended with the face-to-face approach. The workshop session is aimed to equip teachers with the technological skills on how to use Flipgrid to enhance the blended learning. Flipgrid is a great video tool in which teachers can post videos and receive the students’ responses in the form of videos as well.
Mr Anjar Donny Prasetyo has been teaching in Primary level for more than 15 years. He has taught English, Mathematics and Science in several schools. He obtained his Bachelor Degree from Sanata Dharma University majoring English Literature and Master Degree from Pelita Harapan University majoring Education Technology. For the past 11 years, he is specialised in teaching Science at Primary level. At present, he teaches Science for Primary students as well as doing his role as a Wakil Kepala Sekolah.
“Developing Student Agency: A Data-based Approach”
Developing student agency is a key area of focus of all IB programmes and has gained increasing prominence due to the challenges presented by covid-19 driven shifts to online learning. Students who are able to manage their own learning are better equipped to face the challenges of changing economic and information landscapes as lifelong learners. This session provides (1) a foundation to understanding relevant issues related to agency, (2) guidance in the effective planning for development of school programmes promoting agency and (3) a framework for measuring the impact of such plans in a data-driven approach.
Student agency is often discussed but much less well understood, especially in terms of strategies and tools that teachers may use to promote its development. Teachers and even schools often overlook agency as something that just happens as a result of different initiatives and often shy away from the idea that agency can be measured in students as can the impacts of programme elements meant to promote it in students. I would like to bring attention to the sources of data and frameworks for evaluating or measuring student agency and programme impacts so that it can be better developed.
As a student first educator, I am committed to supporting deep learning through the development of student voice and agency. Learning ecosystems must engage today’s students by bringing meaning to student learning. Academically rigorous approaches must prepare students for a future of change by equipping them with higher order thinking skills and meaningful opportunities to be creators within and beyond the context of subject areas, making critical links to the world around them.
“Collaborative Assessment in Online Learning Setting”
As one of the 21st century skills, collaboration has been one of the main focus in education nowadays. However, due to the pandemic, our learning environment has changed dramatically over the past year. Online learning drastically reduced our physical contact and direct meetings frequency. So the big question is, “Is it still possible to enhance students’ collaboration skill in the online learning setting?” Moreover, “Can we actually conduct collaborative assessment through online learning?”
Let’s try to answer those questions together. In this workshop, we will share ideas about conducting collaborative or group assessment in online learning setting. The speaker will share her experience in conducting the assessment, starting from making the rubric, preparing the students, implementing the assessment and various online programs that we can use to support collaborative assessment. Hopefully, we can keep enhancing students collaborative skill despite the limitations that we have.
I’ve been teaching in Elementary School for 9 years. I got my bachelor degree in Architecture from Petra Christian University and a master degree in English Education from Widya Mandala University. Apart from teaching, I like learning new languages and playing music.
Fostering Student Questioning in the 21st Century Classroom
Using Design Thinking as a creative process for opening dialogue and promoting input from all participants, this workshop will focus on ways in which educators can develop and extend 21st century skills in the classroom. Particular emphasis will be placed on nurturing student agency in formulating their own questions, and therefore their abilities to inquire beyond the surface of using search tools. Such skills are important across the entire curriculum but particularly important for students wishing to pursue a STEM-based career.
Dr Mason is a university educator specialising in the field of applying digital technologies to teaching, learning, & research. He is an elected member of the Asia Pacific Society for Computers in Education since 2012. His research is primarily focused on learning futures and student questioning. In other roles, he has been engaged in the development & internationalization of IT standards for over two decades.
Dr Sari is a Seasoned UX Expert and Design Researcher with more than 20 years of experience serving corporate clients & engaging with the education sector around the world. She has conducted hundreds of workshops. In addition to her role at CDU she is Vice President of SIGCHI Chapter at the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), a Google Mentor and Certified Design Sprint Master, Executive of Indonesian Diaspora Business Council in the field of IT, Technology and Innovation, making a global impact one day at a time.
“What’s up Genially?”
Genially is one of the most popular applications to support remote learning during the pandemic. Many teachers are using this application because of the similarity with the PowerPoint or google slide. This presentation will share two benefits of using this application, as a thinking tool and gamification. As a thinking tool, genially can be used to make a Venn diagram which helps students to compare and contrast two different kinds of information. The drag element option in this application allows students to drag and drop the information in the Venn diagram without changing the template. So, one file is reusable for every student. For the gamification, the teacher can make a role play game and give several missions to be accomplished by the students. After completing each mission, the students may get a code that will be used to unlock the ending of the game. This activity can ignite students to read the story given or learning material. In brief, genially can be one solution to sharpen students’ ability in doing compare and contrast in a lively way. Furthermore, this also can be a challenging yet fun activity that requires focus and attention to understand the learning topic.
“Implementing SEN Strategies and Engagement Techniques to Assist all Students During Distance Learning”
Distance learning, also known as home-based learning, has been going on for nearly a year and currently there is no end in sight. With predictions of vaccine distribution not being fully available in Indonesia until 2023, we could be doing some version of HBL for quite some time. Through techniques used with children with ADHD and Executive Function Disorder, we will learn how best to engage and work with all of your students during these unprecedented times, including teacher hacks for distance learning, advice on how to set up student workspaces, and how to keep students engaged and motivated to learn.
Gareth Steed has been an educator for over 10 years and has been involved in educating children with Special Educational Needs and Behavioural Problems, and their care-givers for just as long. Originally from the UK, Gareth earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Wales, Swansea, and is a qualified Special Educational Needs Coordinator. In addition to his UK qualifications, Gareth has Certificates in Psychology Core Concepts from Tsinghua University, China, Counselling Practice and Research from Seoul National University, Korea, and is currently studying at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
“Maslow Before Bloom and Beyond: Social Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Online Learning”
Online learning has so many factors that makes it challenging for young learners: the adaptation to the new media, the students’ attention span, the indirect interaction, to name the few. And yet, here we are, still in the midst of pandemic, amazed at how our young learners can cope with the situation and, even unimaginable, adapt to how learning has changed overnights. But, still there are some concerns about their social emotional development in the time when social interactions need to be limited due to safety and health reasons.
‘Maslow before Bloom’ has been a slogan on how teachers need to ensure their students’ social-emotional welfare before learning can take place. But what can teachers do to make sure this happens during remote learning? And how can we go beyond that slogan to create social emotional learning (SEL) inside our early childhood Zoom classes? The presenter will share practical and applicable best practices in PAUD Kembang that have been done to make sure that SEL is also nurtured and nourished during online learning.
Ignatia Widhiharsanto (Inez) was born in March 8th 1982 and has chosen teaching as her career path since 2008. Graduated from Master of Education at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) spesialised in Early Childhood Education in 2011, since 2019 she has served as Principal of Early Years in Sekolah Kembang, Kemang, South Jakarta.
“What’s Up, Zoom Class? Practical Teaching Techniques in your 40 minutes Zoom Class using Tech Tools, Classroom Management and Integration to Daily Life.”
According to the Greek Philosopher, Heraclitus, “The only permanent thing in this world is change.” and as of the moment, this is what is happening to our Education System- a VERY BIG CHANGE. Covid-19 rocked the education world when suddenly, almost a year ago, our face to face classes where abruptly changed to online classes. At first, we were all in the dark- confused what to do and worried as how both teachers and students will cope with this kind of learning. But that innate creative teacher in us helped and guided us through and look at us now, after months of meeting our students online, we survived and we are still looking for ways to improve our teaching methods online. Our sharing will focus on some recommended Tech Tools like FLIPGRID, METIMETER AND PADLET that we can utilize to make our online classes livelier, some practical suggestions on how to manage our online classes like BEING SPECIFIC IN GIVING INSTRUCTIONS and MANAGING YOUR TIME WELL and we will also discuss some ideas on how we can integrate our lessons to daily life, which nowadays, is one very important skill that every student should learn.
Joyce Mabalay Guzman has a passion to teach in Early Childhood Education. With an undergraduate degree in B. S. in Psychology from Miriam College, Philippines and a Master’s Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya, she is now helping to teach English in the Primary Level of Mawar Sharon Christian School in Surabaya. With an experience of 18 years in teaching both in Pre-School and Primary levels, she is still eager and excited to gain more knowledge on how to teach more effectively in the field of English as a Foreign Language.
“Finland, the happiest country in the world. Finnish teachers, the happiest in the world?”
Teacher well-being is a decisive factor in both teaching and class management. Teacher well-being depends on the whole school staff, level of mutual trust, sharing and collaboration. How the teacher community supports its members can be facilitated by agreeing on common principles. In Finland, co-teaching and creating groups of teachers working together has given promising results. Also, including special educators, therapists and other student welfare professionals in close co-work has improved teachers’ chances to succeed in their teaching and helped them to flourish in their jobs.
Lotta Uusitalo has her PhD in special education in University of Helsinki. She is an adjunct professor and senior lecturer with years of experience in researching and teaching future teachers in University of Helsinki. In addition to scientific papers she has published practical materials for teachers at all grade levels (please, see uusitalomalmivaara.com). She has given speeches and held workshops in several countries on learning difficulties, strength-based teaching and positive education. She is a founder of Positive Learning and the Head of Impact in the company.
“Inside Out: Social Emotional Learning during Distance Learning — A Teacher’s Approach”
Social-Emotional Learning is essential in the growth of our students. People with strong social-emotional skills are said to be better in terms of coping with life’s challenges. As teachers, we should promote it in our class, even in a brief and simple way. As teachers, we should give our students the opportunity to practice and hone those skills. SEL provides a foundation for positive, long-term effects on our students. However, social and emotional learning was not a priority for us, particularly during this time. We are all facing difficulty as to how to incorporate this one crucial aspect of learning while we are also stressed out as to how to balance the core subject teaching and learning for our students. We keep on searching for some resources online but we are also overwhelmed with so many resources. But which one should you use? How are you supposed to choose a good resource if you don’t have a background about it? How do you integrate it into your classroom learning if it’s not in your academic program? Let me help you understand what CASEL 5 is and how you can use it in your classroom. We will also explore a number of resources that provide fun and engaging activities that you can freely use in your classroom. And how to make a simple presentation for your SEL to be used in your Online Teaching.
I am Marilou De Leon – Simpas, currently teaching Primary 2 students in Singapore Intercultural School-Bona Vista. I’ve been Teaching in Indonesia for 7 years now and spent 5 years of teaching experience in the Philippines. I am a Licensed Teacher and a graduate of Secondary Education Major in Biology. After graduation, I practiced teaching Elementary Education in a private all boys school in Manila. When I came here in Jakarta year 2014, I worked as a Preschool and Toddler Teacher. I have attended various seminar and training and now, I am currently enrolled in TESOL Online Course by Arizona State University and taking Master’s Degree in Teaching Early Grades from University of the Philippines.
“Play Based to Gamification in Learning”
Our real problem is – what is the goal of education? Are we forming children that are only capable of learning what is already known? Or should we try developing creative and innovative minds, capable of discovery from the preschool age on, throughout life? Those questions are quotes from theorist Jean Piaget in his later years.
Remote Learning is not easy for all of us, teachers, students, and parents. We, as teachers, are working so hard to create great learning opportunities in any Learning Management System that we had, and still, facing the lack of interest from students and wondered what else we could do to improve their motivation and engagement. Technology, in general, has become an important piece of this puzzle as a way to help schools attempt to create some sense of normalcy and bridge the learning gap.
Drastic times also call for new approaches to learning. Already, the world is seeing strides from teachers, schools, and remote learning platforms brainstorming and achieving dynamic ways of educating students from home. One particularly effective method of learning that has arisen with better technology is gamification—adding typical elements of gameplay to school lessons to make them more engaging, and effective, for students.
There are elements required in gamification from mechanics (scores, ranking, dashboards, etc.), to dynamics (collaboration, competition, individual challenge, process, etc.), to design (character/avatars, roadmap, look and feel), and more, that are important to consider before starting a gamification project.
In this session, we will discuss the needs of play-based to game based in remote learning, ways to design a meaningful and engaging remote learning with gamification.
Marsaria Primadonna (Pima Aditya) is a PYP Coordinator in Sekolah Cikal Jakarta, and Program Manager in Sekolah Cikal all campus. She is a certified Instructional Technology Coach from Apple (Apple Professional Learning Specialist). She is also an Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Innovator, Google Certified Trainer, National Geographic Educator, Google Certified Educator, Brainpop Certified Educator, Common Sense Ambassador, Book Creator Ambassador, and Seesaw Ambassador. All those professional certifications allow her to help educators in creating deep learning and authentic assessment. Her passion is always about teaching and learning in an engaging, fun, and inquiry way. She believes that, with technology and multimedia, learning can be brought to life into the classroom so students can gain deeper and more meaningful learning.
Website with CV: http://bit.ly/pimaadityawebsite
Blog: https://lifelongplayground.wordpress.com/
Educational tweet and Instagram stories at @missmetalguru
“Multiple Roles in Facing the Changes and Challenges for Online Moral Education”
Looking at the last one year of coronavirus, it seems that students will continue their education through online learning. However, as a matter of fact Online learning is not as effective as offline learning. in term of It comes to be more challenging for moral education since it is more than a training. It is a training to life that acquires a set of religious values regarding to moral formation to improve students’ ability to choose what is right and wrong. In practice, this lesson is also related to guide students’ attitudes and behaviors toward others and their environment. My presentation will expose my experience of teaching moral education through my subject al-Dirasah al-Islamiyyah for Afkaaruna Primary students. My modification on improving the roles of some parties in teaching moral to our pupils will be extensively presented. I will emphasize the roles of parents’ engagement in family-based moral education, students’ self-evaluation, peer monitoring social ties and other educators’ roles in fostering moral maturity in our students.
“Mathematics Teaching Strategies during Online Learning”
The biggest difficulty faced by mathematics teachers today is how to use the right teaching strategies so that students are enthusiastic about learning and understanding the lessons being taught. There are several things that are often missed by teachers, online learning is not the same as face-to-face learning. Teachers are required to be creative in creating a pleasant learning atmosphere and presenting many examples of the use of mathematics in life. This can make students curious and want to learn more. At first glance it seems easy, but …. how?
I have been a teacher since 1996, have focused on teaching mathematics since 2001 and have been certified as a math teacher. Besides teaching, I am also active as a speaker at seminars, workshops and educational conferences at the national and Asian levels, active in the Teacher Learning Community, and I have also written several educational books and anthology books (stories, poetry and quotes).
Re-integrating Fun in a COVID World
We all know the secret. In a recent poll, over 70% educators admitted the single best way kids learn is either through play or fun. However, in online learning, even the most skilled teachers have found it challenging to truly engage students. Even for those schools lucky enough to have re-opened, teachers have often been required to sacrifice fun in order to catch up on lost time. Students may be physically back, but their hearts & minds aren’t.
App-based learning offers flexible play time with minimal class time commitment. This interactive session explores the WHAT & WHY of language learning Apps, and offers a special focus on HOW to apply them in a variety of different models. Participants will leave the session with fresh ideas on implementing Apps for their specific situations to ensure the best possible learning outcomes in the classroom and beyond.
PAUL GRAINGER is passionate about helping kids learn languages anywhere effortlessly. He has more than 26 years professional experience in education; serving as a teacher, self-access learning coordinator, examiner, course writer, teacher trainer, product manager, and business development manager. Over the last 15 years, he’s trained over 30,000 educators. His current role involves connecting children, parents, teachers & schools, and helping them combine mind-blowing learning data with natural intuition to make better informed decisions at each step of the learning journey.
“What is ‘student-centred’ learning in digitised classrooms, why does it remain elusive for many teachers?”
Contemporary educational systems can lack the support needed for developing students’ autonomy and life-long learning skills. Moreover, the recent pivot to blended and online learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed fault lines within educational systems globally and the continued use of technology to serve teacher-centred, traditional and less-progressive models of education. Join Randa Sikek, Education Research Scientist at Cinglevue International, for a perspective based on educational research and technology innovations to transition to more flexible, student-centred educational models that embrace the affordances of modern technology.
This is a general presentation for the transformation of education practices and will broadly touch on several aspects:
- Lifelong Learning Skills (LLL) and self-regulated learning (SRL) to inspire and motivate students to be the co-creators of their own educational experience.
- Creating communities of practice through effective collaboration and communication during project and problem-solving teaching and learning processes.
- Creating educational cultures and learning opportunities which promote student well-being.
- Promoting teachers as inquirers of their practice to help all students learn more effectively in a data democratised environment.
Randa Siksek is completing an industry PHD through her work as a member of Cinglevue’s Research and Development Team where her role is focused on innovative use of technology for teaching and learning. She is an experienced secondary educator who has specialised in a variety of mathematics curricula: the Australian including year 11 and 12 ATAR courses, Advanced Placement Calculus (U.S.) and the International Baccalaureate including Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Maths High Level Diploma Program. Randa’s previous research has focused on the sources of STEM teachers’ knowledge.
Currently, her PHD lies at the intersection between technological innovations for teaching and learning, students cognitive development and granular evaluation of mathematical learning (schematisation). Randa’s research stems from a passion for changing education in a way that recognises that student-centred approaches, which value students’ emotions and self-efficacy are a key to supporting the development of confident problem-solvers.
Randa holds a BSc in Software Engineering and Graduate Diploma of Education, with a major in both Computer Science and Mathematics Secondary Education. She completed her Master of Education with the University of Western Australia (UWA) in 2017.
“Using readers to engage young learners of English across different settings”
As educators we are all currently concerned with how to keep our young learners of English connected and engaged when at times they are unable to be present in the English classroom. In this session, we will explore how we can best choose and maximise graded readers to support and motivate primary learners in different learning settings, who are at the beginning of their English learning journey. In this webinar we will explore step-by-step how Collins’ new Peapod primary ELT readers series can help create a positive English experience, encouraging learners to maintain and improve their language skills.
Rebecca Adlard is an experienced ELT professional: a teacher, teacher trainer, author, presenter, series and development editor specialising in very young learners, drama and stories. She has been in ELT publishing and education for nearly 20 years and has taught English and lived and worked on various English language projects all over the world. Rebecca has a love of stories, plays and playing, and continually looks for ways to include these in language learning. She is series editor for Collins’ new primary ELT Peapod Reader series.
“10 Questions and Answers About Special Education: US and Indonesian Perspectives About How to Help Parents Make the Transition”
One of the most important and challenging tasks of any teacher is identifying a child with special needs and speaking to the parents about it. Parents can have apprehensions and concerns. Yet, not having this conversation will delay important intervention that can make a difference early when it can make the biggest impact. Learn the top 10 parent questions/concerns and how to work effectively with parents so they can help their child.
Dr. Scott Mesh is the CEO and co-founder of Los Niños Services, an award winning provider of early childhood special education services in New York City. He developed this program over 20 years with Edita Diaz and both are psychologists. He has evaluated over 5000 young children and is the author of A Practical Guide to Early Childhood Assessment.
Unlimitless: The Answer to Unlocking Virtual Creativity in Educating Early Childhood Learners
How do we sustain a young child’s attention through virtual learning?
How do we make them sit down and learn?
How can our teachers cope with the ever-changing landscape that is now made even more uncertain by the COVID-19 pandemic, and find motivation to empower our youngest generation?
How can we protect what’s left of their childhood and ensure that we are not exacerbating the problems brought about by excess technology and screen time?
These are the questions that we find not only stir disarray among educators and parents alike, but also seek to challenge the current ways in which we are adjusting to digitalising ways of learning. In this workshop, we will demonstrate the ways we can make interactivity and fun work painlessly online – unlocking every educator’s creativity and rekindling the energy and light we need now more than ever – to reimagine and demand, better, bigger, education.
Tara is a focused generalist on a mission to reimagine education at Gooroo Indonesia and empower students and educators alike through virtual and personalised learning technology. After obtaining her Master’s in Marketing Strategy and Innovation at London, Cass Business School, she started her career with Alibaba Group (Lazada) growing global brands online, and led e-commerce growth at L’Oreal Indonesia before deciding to contribute her talents to causes with social impact. A bold and eloquent leader who inspires through creation and action, she believes in the utmost capability of her teammates and coworkers, confidently becoming one of the most effective leaders of her generation. Her hobbies include tennis, travelling, writing and language acquisition. She currently speaks 5 languages and aims to speak at least 8 in her lifetime.
Effective Adaptation of Online Classroom for Student with SEN
Online Learning System during the pandemic has posed many challenges for teachers of Children with Special Needs. In the implementation, teachers still need to prioritize some aspects of children’s development and their skill areas development. They also need to ensure that teaching materials can be received well even though there is no face-to-face meeting. Problems with internet connection, student resistance and boredom, distraction from the surroundings are just a few of the stories found during online learning.
What do teachers need? How can we build and maintain bonds between teachers and students? Can we keep learning activities fun? How do we support parents throughout the process of online learning? In this session, Tatum will talk about successful strategies and implementation of coping with challenges that arise in the process during online learning. It is a journey of overcoming the obstacles and at times hopelessness, then coming together in making the online learning joyful and meaningful.
Tatum Tivani, Head of Development Class, the division that provides services and learning for children with special needs at Mutiara Harapan Islamic School.
She finished her undergraduate and master degree at State University of Surabaya majoring in Special Education and has been teaching children with special needs for 11 years and more.
Tatum believes every child has the right to learn and focusing on the strengths and potentials of children with special needs is the key to accompany children to achieve their dream.
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- Sponsorship
Zoom Conference Fees:
Member : IDR 75.000,-
Non Member : IDR 100.000,-
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