“Embracing the New Era of Technology Driven Education”

Our aim is to provide a one-day conference focused on career-empowering, knowledge, practices, networking and practical teaching solutions, designed with the specific needs of teachers in mind. The objective of the Tech Conference is to provide practical, hands-on and immediate strategies that teachers can immediately use across every level and in every subject area.

In this 21st century, education is vital to individual and collective development. Technology can be a powerful tool in transforming learning. One of the most important aspects of technology in education is its ability to level up the field of opportunity for students. It can help affirm and advance relationships between educators and students, reinvent teacher’s approaches to learning and collaboration, and adapt learning experiences to meet the needs of all learners. However, to fully realize the benefits of technology in our education system, educators need to always encourage themselves to always update their approaches, which is very essential. Technology increasingly is being used to personalize learning and give students more choice over what and how they learn and at what pace, preparing them to organize and direct their own learning for the rest of their lives.

Links :

Zoom Conference Fees:

Member : IDR 100.000,-
Non Member : IDR 125.000,-

Register 5 participants and get 1 free registration

(Morning Session)

“Enabling Inquiry-Led Learning Through Technology”

“The forced integration of online learning through the COVID lockdown has resulted in a more individualised learning experience for students and frustration for teachers and school leaders. It has also led to a growth in the abilities of teachers to use technology to facilitate student learning. As we move towards face-to-face learning, teachers and school leaders must assess which technologies have just filled the gap created by enforced distance and which offer students authentic and beneficial learning experiences and opportunities.
I will present how I believe that inquiry-led learning opportunities that enable collaboration and self-direction not only get the best results from students but also empower them to become lifelong learners. I will share technologies I have used successfully to enable authentic collaboration and how they can be used in the classroom.”

Alf trained in the UK and have taught internationally for over 20 years. Led ICT, computing, STEAM, learning technologies, Key Stages, and Primary departments in several schools. He gained master’s degree in educational leadership in 2013. Currently works for Nord Anglia education as teacher and STEAM and learning technologies leader at Nord Anglia School Jakarta

(Afternoon Session)

“The Power of AI and Innovation in the Education Sector”

This presentation will introduce how advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence are transforming education and classrooms around the world. 

As an example, Century use algorithms similar to those used on Netflix, but rather than recommending what to watch or what a person wants; a student is given what they need to learn and not just more of what they want.  Nano-lessons are automatically set and questions are self-marked with data collating in easy-to-interpret dashboards for teachers and senior leaders, with no extra workload.

The platform can also suggest curriculum content to a student that it deems appropriate, eg by the reading level of the student.  A student can always simply click on alternative content, in which case the platform’s AI may spot trends in preferences of the student.

Charles has spent the vast majority of his career in overseas educational development. He co-founded Impact Education, a Hong Kong-based company that provides practical English language courses to local students and international schools. His passion for educational technology led him to New York where he worked for the American Youth Literacy Foundation, developing an app-based curriculum to tackle adult illiteracy. Charles leads the International Team at CENTURY Tech and has grown the business into 44 countries around the world.

“Coding: Teaching a “Superpower” Skill”

“Coders of today are the superheroes of tomorrow”. Coding skills give you the ability to change the world. You can make the world a better place. Coding and computer technology are part of just about everything that we touches. From our appliances in our home to the cars we drive to the movies we watch, to the ways businesses and governments deal with us. Understanding different dimensions of coding is part of the necessary skill set for an educated person in the 21st century. Whether you want to be a scientist, businessman, work on agriculture, medicine or want to be the next Steve Jobs, learning coding will provide you with valuable knowledge. In this session, we will be discussing ways on how to teach coding skills to our students in ALL levels. Let us teach our students not just users of technology but CREATORS of technology.

Alvin has a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science and Master’s Degree In Information Technology. Ten-years (10) Experience in teaching Computer science in University Level and Eleven years (11) Junior College and Secondary level Computer Science and ICT.
He is currently the Head of MIS and IT in Bina Bangsa School in charge in the development, management, and integration of the Centralize Academic Information System including our very own Learning management system and all the other Edtech platforms for all 6 BBS campuses. Also in charge of our Computer Science program focusing on Coding, robotics and AI.

 “Touching Learners’ Critical and Logical Thinking through Arduino Projects.”

As the demand of learning ICT and computer science in all types of learners increases, this training will help the educators to gain some insights and ideas on how to impart and train students in order to touch their imagination about the fundamentals of microcontroller and computer programming using Arduino which is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Though the training will not cover the entire topic about Arduino projects and C language, I will expect that this will serve as an opportunity for the educators to start learning this tool to prepare learners in real life situations in the field of digital electronics and computer programming.

Archie is completing his Master of Science in Information Technology in Polytechnic University of the Philippines, and earned his Diploma in Information Technology at AMA Education System Philippines. He completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education in University of Caloocan City Philippines. He’s currently working as an expat teacher in Medan, Indonesia, and he’s handling ICT and Upper Primary Mathematics. He has been in the field of education for almost 11 years now.

“Making Learning Happen _ A learning experience design that will surely engage your hand, head, and heart.”

Free, customizable, practical, and easy-to- use resources will be given on topics related to:

  • Active Teaching and Learning Strategies
  • Recipes for Online Learning
  • Learning Experience Blocks
  • Visible Thinking Routine
  • Collaborative Mindset Cards
  • Pedagogy Wheel

This Making Learning Happen mini-workshop will help teachers cut through the fog and focus on what matters most: making sure that students learn. This practical mini workshop results in the production of learning engagements that simplify instruction and ensure that learning is achievable and meaningful to all. The mini workshop will feature no tech, low tech, and high tech tools to increase student engagement.

Armand is an experienced learning lead with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. Comprehensively knowledgeable on different pedagogical content knowledge and skills and approaches to teaching and learning. Highly experience in Project-based Learning and Inquiry-based Learning.

“Getting Schools to Go Digital: Enabling Everyone to Learn Effectively”

One of the biggest hopes of every teacher is to make their students become independent learners. Supported by the fact that today’s learners are digital natives, getting schools to go digital is one way to make it happen. This workshop will focus on sharing how we can transform our learning into digital and making learning more effective for the students as they can learn at their own pace and time. Participants of this workshop will see how we can arrange the learning tools and make it easily supporting for students. 

Dea is currently working as the head of curricula and program development. She started her career as a Mathematics teacher for secondary level continued by being the Principal. It has shaped her to always continue improving the learning for students. 

Don Lamison is the Founder, CEO and Director of Urban Green Education and GreenStudy.org –  the non-profit partnership program with Arizona State University’s ASU Prep Digital, and Lincoln Learning Solutions.

Don studied Engineering and received his MBA from the University of South Florida. His passion for education and education equality was born out of his experience with urban sustainability projects, time spent in both Florida classrooms where he taught English Literature, and during time spent in underdeveloped inner-city neighborhoods in Indonesia. Don met his wife, Johana Kristamala during their university studies at USF.  Johana was born and raised in the Mangga Dua neighborhood of Jakarta.  Her educational, professional and public service achievements, despite economic and social challenges, serve as an inspiration for Don and all UGE employees. Don deeply believes that simple educational opportunity can lead to radical change in the life of a child, a family, a community, a city and our world – that childhood should have choices – childhood should be celebrated. In this age of technology, we now have the ability to remove many of the limits that govern which children can and cannot be educated.

“Digital Mural, when Technology Meets Street Art”

A mural is a piece of artwork or a painting executed directly on a wall or a ceiling. Historically, murals have been around since the beginning of humankind when the first humans created cave paintings. Murals can serve many purposes, such as beautifying public or private spaces. Murals can also memorialize or record a historic event and become a medium of education, political, or social commentary over time. 

During this pandemic, people, including artists who explore murals and street art, are forced to stay home. Can we create a mural from home? The answer is yes. In the era where digital life is blending with real life, we can utilize digital software to create murals digitally, better yet, everywhere we want in the world! In this session, participants will learn about the basics of mural art and create a digital mural in low tech and high tech practical methods that can be applied in art class based on their needs. 

Materials needed:

Tools: Pencil and eraser

Hardware: Laptop/PC, mouse.

Software: Free digital painting website – Sumo Paint https://sumo.app, https://bomomo.com/, Google Street View.

Basic knowledge of digital painting and a pen tablet will be an advantage.

Dessy Safira is a Bogor based visual artist and an art teacher who strives to broaden her medium in the art-making process. She graduated with a Bachelor of Art degree in Ceramic Art major, Faculty of Visual Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology. She has participated in several group exhibitions in Bandung, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bali, and Singapore. Dessy has a deep interest in children’s world and art therapy. As a visual artist, Dessy portrays her way of seeing the world around her through a little girl’s figure as her fictional muse.

“Practical Music Education Technology”

In today’s music education classroom, teaching with technology is to be expected. A teacher who puts his foot down and resists technology is now the exception to the norm. Engaging positively with the technology available can have remarkable results in a classroom in terms of students` engagement and achievement. 

Great music education is a mirror of the students in the classroom. Great music teachers use music which reflects the cultural identity of the students while also extending them beyond that cultural safe place into uncharted territories. Great music teachers use easily identifiable role models for their students to help them understand that they too can achieve great things without the barriers of race, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Likewise, great music teachers use technology to reflect their students’ use  and provide a way for children to see how to use technology comfort to create great music.

Dhodi is a Human, Teacher, Composer, Musician, Tech Enthusiast and a lifelong learner. 

“Navigating Open Educational Resources in High School Mathematics”

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions (UNESCO). How do we maximize the use of OER to support students in navigating their learning? In this session, we’ll be looking at different OER in math and application in the classroom.

Ms. Purwanti is a highly motivated educator with 6+ years of teaching experience in the secondary settings. She is adept at utilizing a holistic approach, educational technology, and project-based learning. Ms. Purwanti is dedicated to provide a meaningful learning experience to enable future generations to thrive in their life. She moved back to Bali, Indonesia in mid 2020 after completing her master’s degree at Syracuse University, New York funded by Fulbright Program. Currently, she is a High School Coordinator and Head of Mathematics for Upper School at Green School Bali and is open for an opportunity or collaboration to develop mathematics curriculum and conduct research in mathematics classroom.

“Literasi Digital bagi Guru untuk Pembelajar Modern”

Era 21st Century Learning menuntut perubahan pola pembelajaran oleh guru dengan lebih banyak mengintegrasikan ICT dalam praktek pembelajaran, sejalan dengan karakteristik pembelajar saat ini yang umumnya adalah Digital Native dan tuntutan Revolusi Industri 4.0.

Cepi Riyana Lahir di Garut pada 30 Desember 1975, Merupakan dosen tetap pada Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UPI. Riwayat pendidikan S1 Teknologi Pendidikan, S2 Pengembangan Kurikulum dan pada tahun 2012 berhasil menyelesaikan S3 Bidang Pengembangan Kurikulum di SPs UPI.
Beberapa buku yang telah diterbitkan diantaranya : (1) Media Pembelajaran : Hakikat, Pengembangan, Pemanfaatan dan Penilaian, (2) Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Pendidikan, (3) Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, (4) Kurikulumum dan Pembelajaran, (5) Pengembangan Bahan Pembelajaran, (6) Komputer dan Media Pendidikan, (7) Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran, (8) E-Learning : Konsep & Implementasi, (9) Produksi Bahan Pembelajaran Online dan (10) Literasi ICT dan Media Pembelajaran.
Setiap tahun melakukan riset dalam skala nasional dan internasional, diantaranya : (1) Pengembangan Model Project Based Learning Melalui Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) (2) Penelitian Kerjasama Luar Negeri : Pengembangan Model Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (3) Pengembangan Mobile Learning Management System pada Mata Kuliah MKDP Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, (4) Pengembangan Model Hybrid Learning Pada Program Pendidikan Dasar di Universitas Terbuka, (5) Pengembangan Animasi 3D sebagai Media dalam Pendidikan Karakter pada Pendidikan Dasar, (6) Pengembangan Multimedia Interactive Virtual Reality pada Tematic Teaching di Pendidikan Dasar, (7) Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Cloud Learning pada Program Pendidikan Dasar Menengah dan Tinggi, (8) ICT for Education Sustainability Development, dan lain-lain. Tahun 2012 sebagai peneliti terbaik UPI

Selain pengajar tetap di UPI, juga sebagai guest lecturer di SESKO-AU, SESPIM-POLRI, POLTEKES, UIB, TELKOM, Pusdiklat PUPR, IPI dll. Sering memberikan seminar/pelatihan/worksop bidang Kurikulum, ICT dan Teknologi Pendidikan pada berbagai instansi pemerintah dan swasta. Menjadi tim ahli pengembangan kurikulum pada berbagai lembaga pendidikan dan pelatihan. Saat ini menjabat sebagai Direktur Direktorat Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi, UPI, Sekretaris Umum Himpunan Pengembang Kurikulum Indonesia (HIPKIN) dan Pengurus Pusat Asosiasi Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan Indonesia (APS-TPI). Email : cheppy@upi.edu.

“Blending ESL face-to-face teaching with online learning”

Creating a learning environment that can adapt to today’s ever changing social, economic and health requirements is challenging. We will discuss how to use technology to support a consistent approach to learning during these challenging times – without adding more pressure to teachers’ already busy schedules. The focus is on young ESL learners, however is applicable to most learners.

Genevieve Gilmore is CEO at Prosper Education and a 20-year veteran in Edtech, teaching at one of Australia’s most distinguished schools for 10 years, before co-founding 3P Learning in 2003, which went on to list on the ASX in 2013. Her passion for how education can change lives led her to co-founding World’s Math Day in 2007.  As a direct result of the Games, enough UNICEF School-in-a-Box packs have been donated to send 33,000 students to school in developing countries. In 2016, Genevieve moved into the SAAS world as Chief Operations Officer at Learnosity, a B2B educational technology company that offers a suite of assessment technologies (APIs) which enable organisations to easily incorporate powerful, interactive assessment capabilities into any digital product, new or existing. In that same year, Genevieve was also recognised as one of the top 50 Global Makers & Shakers of Education Technology by EdTechXGlobal and WISE.

“The Inevitable Digitalisation in Education and Key Areas That Can Determine Your Successful Transformation to Provide Personalised Education”

The global pandemic has accelerated  the adoption of technology in education and confirmed its inevitability.  

Going beyond the ability to simply deliver lessons virtually and remotely, it is important to address challenges educators face in an online classroom setting. With appropriate EdTech tools, educators can improve their efficiency and effectiveness in teaching by creating a personalised learning experience for their students. 

Beyond academic rigour, it is equally important to replicate the social aspects found in a traditional classroom through an engaging online learning environment. 

A holistic personalised learning system makes it possible for educators to provide onsite and online teaching seamlessly, efficiently and effectively.

Mr Glenn Low is a PhD engineering graduate in nanotechnology who is passionate in solving real world problems through advanced technology. He embarked on his entrepreneurship journey in the education industry more than a decade ago. 

With a vast experience in working with educators, students and parents, Glenn recognised the challenges faced by educators and saw the opportunity to support them with his technical and domain knowledge. As such, he co-founded SmartJen and HeyHi to empower educators to effectively and efficiently deliver personalised learning experiences to students based on data, machine learning and AI-technology. The vision is to build a world in which every student reaches their full potential and lives the life they most desire.

“Tips, Strategies, and Technologies for Effective Online Teaching”

The speaker will talk about his own experiences on teaching online classes. He will share some tips and strategies that can be helpful for some struggling online teachers. In addition, he will also share some websites and/or applications that he is utilizing that may contribute to effective online teaching. 

“During my basic education, I found science extremely intriguing and quite interesting. This is why I decided to pursue it as a career in later years. I finished my Master of Arts in Education (General Science) degree last January 2018 at the University of the Philippines Diliman and I got the second-highest GWA (1.02) among the graduates in the master’s level. I was nominated by my college and later on elected as a member of Pi Gamma Mu and Phi Kappa Phi International Honor Societies. Prominent members of these societies include former U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1956 Nobel Prize winner and former Canadian prime minister Lester B. Pearson, former Philippine presidents José P. Laurel and Ferdinand Marcos, Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, and many more. In addition, I am a cum laude graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education (General Science) at the Philippine Normal University-Manila. I garnered a grade of 99% in my practice teaching which proves how passionate I am about teaching. I obtained the said degree while working as a service crew in a renowned fast-food chain. During my teaching experiences, I worked with students of all ability levels while helping them to meet the expectations in all content areas. I have pursued a varied course of study that has provided me with a significant understanding of integrated science concepts and pedagogy.

I had experiences teaching biology, chemistry, and physics from Grades 7-12 using various curricula like Cambridge, IB, and K to 12. Throughout my academic years, I have exhibited leadership skills that I fully expect to take with me in any school environment. These opportunities have made me knowledgeable and sensitive to the diverse social and learning needs of the students. Presently, I am an expatriate teacher teaching physics at Cita Hati Christian Senior School – West Campus.”

“Tales from the Trenches: Teaching Founder Skills in the Metaverse”
Level: Primary & Secondary – Delivered in English

As we reimagine the future of work, we asked those creating the jobs of the future (i.e. startup founders) what skills they hire for. And in true startup fashion, we figured out how to teach these skills by harnessing the power of technology. Join us as we go on a journey of discovering the very skills that the future trend-setters of today hope our education system will impart, pick up useful tips and tricks to start teaching in the metaverse, and get inspired on how you can leverage technology to transform classroom engagement and learning.

John is the founder of Saturday Kids – a curiosity school for children – and Doyobi – an edtech startup whose mission is to nurture future-ready children who can become changemakers and create positive impact in the world. He is also an investor in tech startups, in particular startups reimagining the future of work and learning such as Padlet, Galileo, Contra and Beanstalk. Saturday Kids runs Code In The Community, a Google and government supported initiative that is the largest free coding programme in Singapore. John is an Obama Foundation Asia-Pacific Leader, Transcend Fellow and Ashoka Changemaker.

“HYBRID CLASSES is just a “NEARPOD” away”
Level: Secondary – Delivered in English

As the Covid-19 cases in Indonesia are slowly dropping in numbers, the Education world is now gradually picking up from where it left almost 2 years ago. From the drastic change from face-to face classes to online classes, we educators are again stretched to our limits as we now embrace this new phase in the New Normal Education … HYBRID CLASSES!
As some schools have already opened their doors to welcome back students, educators are now finding innovative means on how to engage learners in the Hybrid scenario. Of course, incorporating technology to our classes is now a staple in the teaching and learning process and one very recommended EdTech tool that will allow to have interactive discussion during HYBRID CLASSES is through the use of NEARPOD.
Our session will look into how we can use NEARPOD to accommodate both the needs of teachers and students during the class. Let us discover the countless possibilities this almost all-in-one EdTech Tool can help us. As George Couros, a leading educator and author, said “Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.” Let us take advantage of this time to integrate technology- NEARPOD – and make significant and unforgettable learning situations in the ever-changing world of Education. Indeed, HYBRID CLASSES is just a NEARPOD away!

Joyce Mabalay Guzman has a passion to teach Literacy Skills in Early Childhood Education. She is a licensed teacher with an undergraduate degree in B.Sc. in Psychology from Miriam College, Philippines and a Master’s Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya, Indonesia. This year, she is helping to teach English in the Secondary Level of Mawar Sharon Christian School in Surabaya where she has been teaching for the past 12 years. Teaching since 2002 both in Pre-School and Primary levels in the Philippines and here in Indonesia, she is still eager and excited to gain more knowledge on how to teach more effectively in the fields of teaching Literacy Skills in Early Childhood Education and teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Primary and Secondary Level.

“Reflecting on educational instructions and teaching strategies using SAMR Model (Substitution – Augmentation – Modification – Redefinition)”

Technology has the power to redefine teaching and learning experiences in and out of the classroom, but what happens if it does not? What if Google documents and other online word processors just become a digital version of paper and pen? What if high-tech devices and multiple educational software and applications just become a substitution for conventional teaching? Integrating technology adds a whole new layer in teaching and learning, but how can technology transform students’ learning experiences? How can we ensure that our technology-assisted methods encourage higher thinking order skills? In this session, educators will reflect on their ICT-based instructions and strategies using the SAMR model designed by Dr Ruben Puentedura and Blooms Digital Taxonomy.

Maridol Delos Santos Bamba has been teaching for more than a decade as a Science teacher, with several years of experience in a leadership position such as Head of Science Department and currently as an Associate Coordinator for IB MYP in Tzu Chi Secondary School.

“Let’s Code”

An intro to teachers who want to start applying coding into their classroom practice. Coding should be accessible from an early age and the application to it is limitless. This session will introduce block programming and the way to apply it in class using two different free web-based applications.

Mario has around 16 years of experience in the education field as a Computer Science, Technology/Robotics, Mathematics and Physics Teacher; and also Coordinator and Principal position. He’s a Software Engineer and IT Problem Analyst before switching to education.

“The Science Behind Video Learning”

Video is can incredibly effective educational tool. But in a post-covid world, it has become overused and misunderstood. The objective of this presentation is to give educators a guidebook for when and how to use video. We will cover; knowing when video is appropriate, selecting the right video for the right context, the golden rules of a good ‘educational video’, and how to plan & integrate video learning into your lessons.

We will also look more broadly at the different styles of video lessons / education, the difference between using video before, during or after a lesson, and how to know which is the right choice for your students.

Patrick has spent a decade working in the Education and Edtech industries, striving to improve students’ access to quality education and resourcing, by working with schools’ on the practical implementation of pedagogical frameworks and teaching strategies. He now manages the implementation of ClickView’s video learning platform in schools across the globe.

“Roblox Studio as an Effective Tools for Teaching the Students in the Metaverse World.”
Level: Secondary – Delivered in English

Materials Needed:
Hardware : Mouse
Software : Please make sure You already install Roblox Studio.
Visit: https://www.roblox.com/create
Click create and the Roblox Studio will be download.
Install Roblox Studio to your PC/Laptop

Objectives and Outcomes
You will practice working in 3D space to create an obby style game using basic parts while keeping in mind the end user. As you create your game, you will be asked to playtest and find ways in which it can be improved. You will then be introduced to the text-based scripting language Lua in an action and task based manner allowing them to see immediate results.
Professional Behaviors and Skills Practiced
Design skills: Design thinking, critical thinking, iteration, working in 3D space, designing with basic shapes, creating for an end-user
Coding skills: Variables, Strings, Commenting, Dot Notation, Properties, Loops”

Tomi Yulianto has a passion for teaching IT/ICT/Digital Design in Secondary Schools. He is a licensed teacher with a bachelor of engineering degree in IT from Gunadarma University, Indonesia, and a Master’s degree in Christian Education from STT Anugrah Indonesia. This year he teaches Digital Design at Tzu Chi Secondary School in Jakarta where he has taught for the past 5 years. As a teacher since 2007, he still has a high enthusiasm for learning in a new field for him, theology. He continued his doctoral degree in theology at STT Anugrah Indonesia.

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Event Details
  • Start Date
    March 12, 2022 8:00 am
  • End Date
    March 12, 2022 3:00 pm
  • Status
  • Category
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