“See The Good In Every Student: Positive Education – The Finnish Way”

Positive education means focusing on students’ strengths and capabilities. Intentional teaching of character strengths lies in the heart of positive education. Being able to name and use one’s strengths is tightly related to well-being and learning achievements. In the webinar, the basic principles of positive education are explained with plenty of practical exercises. We’ll show how every teacher can learn to recognize the strengths in their students, no matter what the grade or subject or potential learning difficulties are.

In the webinar, the digital platform and the See the good tool will be introduced making teachers aware of the importance of documenting the successes in their students.


We wish you warmly welcome to join the webinar and to learn what positive education is the Finnish way



All teacher levels from early childhood to high school are welcome.

Links :

Webinar Fees:

Member: Complimentary

Non Member: IDR 50k

Register 5 participants and get +1 free registration


Lotta has her PhD in special education in University of Helsinki. She is an adjunct professor and senior lecturer with years of experience in researching and teaching future teachers in University of Helsinki. In addition to scientific papers she has published practical materials for teachers at all grade levels (please, see uusitalomalmivaara.com). She has given speeches and held workshops in several countries on learning difficulties, strength-based teaching and positive education. She is a founder of Positive Learning and Head of Impact in the company.

Kaisa is an expert in positive education and strength-based learning. She is Master of Education, a Special education teacher. Currently, she is finishing her PhD on character strength interventions among mainstream and SEN students in University of Helsinki. She has published studies in well-being and school-related happiness in mainstream students as well as in students with various special needs. She is a famous and widely acknowledged speaker in Finland and many other countries. Kaisa is also a founder and CEO of Positive Learning Ltd (positive.fi).




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Event Details
  • Start Date
    January 27, 2021 2:00 pm
  • End Date
    January 27, 2021 3:30 pm
  • Status
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