Within a few short months, ANPS had the privilege of receiving the warmth and hospitality of Yogyakarta. After successfully completing our Roadshow there last year, ANPS committed to hosting our 15th Leadership Conference here, and to return for a second roadshow. 

On Thursday, 17 October, 34 attendees from 13 schools participated at the Roadshow, which was held at the Olifant School. The speakers at the event included Dianindah Apriyani, Yustina Ries Sunarti, Gaylord Anderson, Reynold B. Hutabarat. The Roadshow was well received, and the feedback we got was overwhelmingly positive.

That evening, the committee returned to the Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta to officially open the 15th Leadership Conference with a welcome dinner. Under the Yogyakarta moonlight, trees, fairy lights and the sound of the water by the poolside, the dinner was a huge success. Great food and great friends came together in a night filled with fun, music and dance.

On Friday, our 2 day conference kicked in. This year, we opted for four spotlight speakers, an honourable role that was taken on distinguished educators. Iwan Syahril, PhD, Shareen M Ratnani, Ben Schmidt, and Adam Marra entertained, inspired and provoked us with ideas worth thinking about and implementing in our educational settings.

We would also like to thank the following speakers for their countless efforts and continuous support for ANPS and the wider school community.

Daryl Forde
Steven Born
Any Sulianty
Rutdiana, M. Ed.
Andy Whitney
Amelia Febriani
Lestia Primayanti
MM. Isti Handayani
Garth Wyncoll

We look forward to welcoming everyone for the next Leadership Conference in 2020.

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