January 21, 2021
  Technology provides rich opportunities for students to learn mathematics and for teachers to teach mathematics in new ways. We will explore the unique advantages over other forms of technology that are provided by modern scientific calculators. We will use...
January 27, 2021
“See The Good In Every Student: Positive Education – The Finnish Way” Positive education means focusing on students’ strengths and capabilities. Intentional teaching of character strengths lies in the heart of positive education. Being able to name and use one’s...
February 17, 2021
“From 1 Book to 40 Books a Year, How to Create Lifelong Readers” Instilling a love of reading early gives a child a head start on expanding their vocabulary and building independence and self confidence. It helps children learn to...
February 25, 2021
Technology provides rich opportunities for students to learn mathematics and for teachers to teach mathematics in new ways. We will explore the unique advantages over other forms of technology that are provided by modern graphics calculators, which have now been...
March 1, 2021
“Introducing the OER Project – The Big History Project plus more” Passionate about teaching history? Awesome. OER Project is a family of free, online history courses for upper primary and high school classrooms everywhere. The Big History Project the original...
May 21, 2021
“Protect your school from a cyber-attack: What do you need to know to reduce your schools cyber risk by 85%” A real time tracker from Microsoft indicates that over 62% of malware attacks are being targeted towards the education industry....
August 20, 2021
“Overview – The World History Project: Making History Useful and Usable” World History Project – Making History useful and useable. Your students might be surprised at how much history influences our everyday lives. Past events such as the Black Death,...
August 28, 2021
“Leading Playful Learning in the Early Years” This webinar is for curriculum leaders and senior educators in Early Years settings. It introduces current theories on how playful experiences support children across different dimensions of early learning and development. Participants will...
September 9, 2021
“AI and Education” AI is already here.  We encounter AI on our youtube autoplay, instagram and even google search. How can we move students away from blind consumers of AI to producers and creators of future iterations of AI. How...
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